Moving to a new country? Worried about the cost?

Save money when you move abroad by only paying your “Fare Share”

  • The cost of shipping is going through the roof! Our customers are finding their moving budgets stretched to the limit!
  • With the cost of transport going up we have found many families are having to choose what items to leave behind.
  • At GMS, whilst we don’t have a magic wand, we are working hard to find ways for our customers to get the best bang for their buck and if possible not to have to choose to leave personal belongings and furniture behind…. Just because it’s too expensive!
  • Whilst we offer many moving and shipping options to suit all budgets we only ever want you to only pay your fare share!!!

Let the GMS team maximise your moving budget

Since Autumn 2020, global shipping costs have been increasing, with rates tripling in some cases. The pandemic has, of course, played a role in this increase, as local lockdowns and port congestion have impacted costs even further. Due to the situations with Covid around the world, we’re still seeing many of these delays continue, which could continue to impact global moves and the movement of household goods around the world.


Here at Gerson Moving Services, we understand that when moving abroad, you need your belongings. Taking your most precious items with you when embarking on an exciting new life adventure is often vital to ensure you can settle as quickly as possible and feel at home in your new environment.

This summer we have opened our major destinations including; Australia, New Zealand, UAE, Canada, South Africa and USA to “Pay Your Fare Share” as we try to ease financial pressure on customers moving around the world providing choice and great value for money.

When moving with GMS, we want to save you money and not leave those prized possessions behind.


This initiative aims to do what it says on the tin...... let our customers pay their fare share for moving internationally.

GMS want you to only pay for the space you are using, and ‘Pay your Fare Share’

‘Fare Share’ from GMS is an excellent deal for those looking to relocate to an international location in 2022.

If you’re moving abroad with GMS and looking to transport personal and household items with you, why not share space in a shipping container with other GMS customers going to the same destination. By sharing container space you will only paying for the space you use.

We strive for fewer shipping containers to be required due to the sharing of containers, meaning along with congestion at ports around the world is minimised and therefore waiting times are eased, we also have a positive environmental impact.

We strive for fewer shipping containers to be required due to the sharing of containers, meaning along with congestion at ports around the world is minimised and therefore waiting times are eased, we also have a positive environmental impact.

Do you want to save money when costs all around us are going up? GMS want you to only pay for the space you are using, and ‘Pay your Fare Share’

Find out how much you can save with "Fare Share"  | Copyright 2023